Don’t have much time to learn mechanics and in-game lore but still want to kill this boss? Relax, we got you 😉
This is a quick guide on how to kill this boss, Araxxor 🕷️
What is Araxxor?
Araxxor is the boss version of araxytes, requiring level 92 Slayer and access to Morytania to kill.
It’s a slayer boss so you’ll need a spider or Araxxytes task in order to be able to kill it.
How to get there?
Araxxor is located north of the Theatre of Blood. The easiest way to reach the Morytania Spider Cave is by using a Spider Cave Teleport (worth around 100k). But if you’re cheap and want to save some GP, you could just use a Hallowed Crystal Shard from the Hallowed Sepulchre—it’s just a few steps away from the cave.

Best Gear
If you’re reading this, you probably don’t want to sweat it out (otherwise, you’d be watching a YouTube guide). So, any crush weapon (from a scythe on crush as the best in slot to a zombie axe as an okay weapon to kill it) + strength armor will work for this boss. The better the gear, the faster the kills and the more $$$ per hour.
Special weapons like claws or Voidwaker are highly recommended here, but overall, they’re just for faster and smoother kills—not necessary in the end.
If for some reason you decide to use ranged for this boss, you can as well! It’s not recommended, but you can use a Twisted Bow + Masori for this fight.

Inventory Setup
Besides your gear, this is how your inventory should look like (make the changes you need to fit your capabilities):
– Special weapon (if you want to)
– A weapon to kill the small Araxytes (Heavy Ballista or Elder Maul works perfectly)
– Potions
– Food
– Runes for Vengeance or Thralls if you’re using any of those

Fight Overview:
When entering Araxxor’s cave, it will spawn shortly after. Stay in melee range and pray melee as well. Use your special weapon attacks and start smashing the spider with your crush weapon.
Be aware of the southeastern egg in the room, as it will start spawning little araxytes in a clockwise order starting with that one. That being said, there will be 3 spiderlings that spawn during the whole fight:
– The green spider will splash some venom around it after you kill it with your Elder Maul/Heavy Ballista (or any heavy damage weapon you bring).
– The white spider is the mirror spider. If you hit Araxxor while this little guy is alive, it will reflect the damage back to you, so make sure to take it down first!
– The last one is the red spider. This one will explode after it reaches you but will also damage Araxxor if it’s in range, so make sure you lure it toward Araxxor and quickly run away.
Araxxor Special Attacks:
– The first one is a green projectile slowly coming toward you, giving you enough time to turn off your RUN and walk it out! You’ll leave a puddle of poison behind you as you walk for 6 ticks, so just keep walking until it runs out.
– With the second special attack, it will look toward one of the directions of the room for a couple of seconds and then spit out a big blob of poison. To avoid it, just move away from the direction it’s looking toward; otherwise, it will damage you and leave some venom on the ground.
Still don’t get it?
No worries, if you don’t like the boss or don’t even want to get into it but still want those drops and pet, open a ticket with us and let us do it for you! Bald services can get it done even on your group ironman with Rune Warhammer and rune armor 😜